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1 John 4:10: He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins

1 John 4:10 New American Standard Bible 10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

The word propitiation is the Greek word hilasmos it means an appeasing. Christ became the propitiation for our sins because through His sinless life, God’s righteousness and justice was satisfied.

Because God is holy, righteous, and just He must deal rightly with sin. Often times in this world when it seems the wicked prosper, we often may wonder where the justice of God is. But this is why the Lake of Fire exist. God’s desire is that none would perish but all come to everlasting life (2 Peter 3:9). God does not take pleasure in the destruction of the wicked (Ezek 33:11). But God’s throne is built upon righteousness and justice (Psalm 89:14). If God is indeed perfect that means His righteousness must be perfect. He must fully deal with wickedness and sin.

In His grace He has chosen to pour out His wrath upon His Son Jesus Christ. In Jesus, God gave His greatest gift. His Son who is perfect and without sin, would take the sin of the world upon Himself. He would be born upon this earth of the virgin Mary, would empty Himself of His Heavenly glory and fully become man. He lived under the law, He perfectly kept the law, and when it came time for Him to go to the cross, He chose the cross. They didn’t take His life from Him; He willingly gave up His life because of His love for us.

John makes a very important point: not that we loved God, but that He loved us. God pursued humanity. God created Adam and Eve perfect and without sin. God placed them in a perfect environment but gave them freewill. Without freewill love cannot exist. Adam and Eve chose to sin. Humanity has chosen to rebel against God. Sadly, many throughout history have chosen to reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Jesus said broad is the road that leads to destruction and many will walk on it, but narrow is the road that leads to life and few will find it (Matt 7:13-14).

Because God loves us, He demonstrated His love through giving His Son for our sins. When we understand the depths of this truth is when we will begin to have a small understanding of His love. Even if we sin once we are in Christ, if we confess our sins, there is forgiveness to be found. God is love. Love is His nature. Everything He does is driven by love. His love is selfless, and it is sacrificial. Though we don’t deserve this love, He chooses to lavish it upon us. His desire is that we would receive, be transformed, and truly become His hands and His feet.

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