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David Campbell Jr.

But In These Last Days He Has Spoken To Us By His Son

Hebrews 1:1-2 (New International Version)

In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.

The writer of Hebrews is unknown. Many people have many theories on who they think the author is. But one thing that is unmistakable is the purpose of the book of Hebrews. The Holy Spirit inspired the writer to show the supremacy of Jesus over the law and everything that was found in the old covenant.

The audience were Jewish Christians who were being pressured to abandon their faith in Christ alone and return to the requirements of the law. It is impossible to be declared righteous before God by living according to the law. Our righteousness will never be achieved through the law. The purpose of the law ultimately is to show man's need of a savior. If we break one jot or tittle of the law we are considered a law breaker in the eyes of God.

Because we are all born of Adam, we are born with a sin nature that dominates us. But thankfully God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. Because of Jesus we can be set free from the curse of sin and death. Because of Jesus we can be transformed on a daily basis by the leading and work of the Holy Spirit.

In the past God spoke through the prophets of old. The prophets were the mouth piece of the Living God to the nation of Israel. Today we have the wonderful privilege of having the scriptures before us. But during the days of Isaiah, Ezekiel, and other prophets the scriptures were being written. The true test of a prophet was to see if what they said had come to pass. Today we have many who claim to be prophets, but the prophets of old were at a level and class that was much different.

But now the Father has sent His Son to speak to us. God has sent HIs Son to reveal who He is to humanity. If one were to read the Old Testament only they may come to different conclusions of who they believe God to be. Some often only see God has vengeful and different. But when we study the life of Jesus and come to know who He is, we understand how truly loving and compassionate God is. Our Father loves us so much and simply desires the best for us. Because He loves us, He will discipline us.

Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father. Jesus has been made heir and king of all things. All things were created through Him and He holds all things together by His mighty power. Jesus is God. When we come to Jesus we come into relationship with Almighty God. Because of how awesome God is and how unapproachable He is in all His majesty, He sent His Son to this earth to fully become man so that we could approach the throne of grace with confidence and without fear.

My encouragement to you today is to build your life upon Jesus. There are many things in this world that desire our time and attention but there is only one who is worthy of it all. All of us have failed, messed up, screwed up, and simply fallen short. But through it all His grace is sufficient and Jesus is all that we need. Even if we lose everything and we still have Jesus. May we simply fall in love with Him more and more and never take for granted this relationship we have with Him.


Father I come today and thank you for Jesus. I thank you that all I need is found in Jesus. That my salvation is a gift and based on faith in Jesus alone. I am thankful that you love me even though I have failed you many times and have fallen short. I thank you that your grace is not dependent on my effort. Help me to live this life for your glory. Help my mind to be fixed upon Jesus. May your character and nature be produced within me. Father may my heart and mind be one with yours. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

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