Colossians 3:17 (New International Version)
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Every area of our life belongs to Jesus. Paul calls us to be a living sacrifice to the Lord. That means in all that we do it is worship unto the Lord. Whether it is our marriage, our job, raising our children, whatever we do if it is done to the glory of Jesus, it is worship unto the Lord.
We are called to give thanks unto God. On this Thanksgiving day we set aside an entire day for thanksgiving. If we look at the world today we may wonder what do we have to be thankful for. It seems the world is in chaos and it is growing more chaotic by the day.
Sadly because of the sin of humanity, darkness and deception continues to fill the earth at an ever increasing rate. But in the midst of ever increasing darkness, God is working greatly. God is working in the hearts of His children. He is preparing a bride for His soon return. Every day that we are on this earth we have the wonderful privilege and responsibility to bring glory and honor to Jesus.
What I truly believe God is showing us is that true hope is only found in Him. Many of the things we may have built our lives on in the past are being shown for what they are. Today if discouragement and doubt tries to grip your heart I would encourage you to take time and simply thank the Lord. Thank Him for so many things we often take for granted. More than anything thank Him for the salvation found through His Son Jesus.
Father thank you today for your love, grace, and mercy. Thank you for saving us when we didn't deserve it. Thank you that you provide every need and protect our lives on a daily basis. Father deliver me this day from every snare and temptation of the enemy. Father be with those today who for them Thanksgiving is a very hard and difficult day. In the name of Jesus, Amen!