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For The Moment All Discipline Seems Painful Rather Than Pleasant

David Campbell Jr.

Hebrews 12:11 ESV

For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

There is a true benefit to godly discipline. There are seasons in life that we go through that God is doing a very deep work in our lives. Those who have had parents who have disciplined them understand that when discipline is done in love that it is not only very healthy for the child but it is also necessary for the child to teach them boundaries. When we fail to give children boundaries and expectations and reinforce them with discipline, we put the child in a very dangerous position.

Our Father in Heaven loves us very much. He is continually working in our lives to produce the character and nature of Christ. Everything we encounter in our lives once we begin to follow Jesus and abide in Him has a purpose. Nothing we face is wasted. No discipline at the time seems pleasant. We may even have a hard time seeing the value in what God is doing. But if we will simply trust the process, God will do a deep work in our lives that will see His kingdom increase within us.

God uses human beings to accomplish His purposes. If you currently find yourself in a season that is hard and difficult, I encourage you to hold fast to the promises of God. Don't based your faith and walk with God based upon your feelings and emotions. Instead hold fast to every promise God has given us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will never fail us. He will complete what He has started in our lives. He is the one who goes before us and prepares every step and completes every plan. The moment the Lord calls us and we begin to follow, begins a journey with Him. His grace and anointing make all things possible. May we trust the process as God is shaping and molding us. May we not rely on our own understanding, but may we trust the Lord with all that is within us.


Father help me in my humanity and my weakness. Help me to keep my eyes upon you and not to lean on my own understanding. Though discipline is not enjoyable or pleasant, it serves a very important purpose. May you prune from my life anything that would hinder your work. Forgive me for any sin. May everything in my life be pleasing to you. In the name of Jesus.

Questions to Reflect On

  1. What in your life needs to be removed and pruned that may be hindering what God wants to do in and through you?

  2. Are you willing to fully surrender or are you holding back?

  3. What do you hope to see God accomplish in your life?

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