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David Campbell Jr.

He was with God in the beginning

He was with God in the beginning.

John 1:1-2 New International Version

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.

            Jesus is Almighty God. The purpose of John’s gospel is to show and demonstrate the deity of Jesus Christ. Many who follow false religions follow demonic doctrines and deceptions that always attack Jesus Christ as God. Those who are Jehovah Witnesses will claim that Jesus is the Son of God but not Almighty God. In their New World Translation, they translate verse one at the end as was a god.

            Jesus is not a god; He is Almighty God. Muslims will claim that Jesus was simply a prophet. Why the truth that Jesus is God is so important is because it determines whether a person is saved or not. For a person to be saved they must believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9-10). This means the person believes and declares that Jesus is Almighty God.

            God is The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. This is difficult for our limited finite human minds to comprehend. But when we look at God, we are looking at one what and three who’s. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not three modes of God, they are three distinct persons with three distinct roles and functions in the God head. But the three are one in perfect unity and essence. This is why for the verse to be true that God is love that it would require for God to be a three part being. Without relationship love cannot exist.

            The Son has always been with the Father. It says in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The word beginning means beginning, ruler. That which is first, either in time or in rank and authority.[1] The word beginning speaks of eternity. Jesus has always been with the Father. He has not only always been, He has always been with The Father, and He is Almighty God. The word word means word. Generally, a thing that is spoken, or a matter.In the Septuagint, this word translates the majority of instances of Hebrew דָּבָר (dābār, “word”). Like the Hebrew word, logos has quite a large semantic range. In some cases, it simply means a word or a spoken word (e.g., Matt 22:46). At other times, it expresses the related meanings of a saying (e.g., John 12:38, 48) or an account (e.g., Rom 14:12; Heb 13:17). In a number of cases in the nt, logos is used to express the idea of divine revelation. Most important for such a discussion are its uses in John 1. In John 1:1, the logos is identified with God; later in that chapter, the logos takes on flesh (John 1:14). The Gospel shows that Jesus is this logos, and is, therefore, the ultimate divine revelation.[2] Jesus is the divine revelation of Almighty God. He is God revealed in human flesh.

            He was with God in the beginning. John once again tells us that Jesus has always been with The Father. The Father and Son have always had this eternal intimate relationship. Though they are both distinct they are one in unity and essence. When Jesus came to the earth He prayed often to His Father. He wasn’t praying to Himself. He came to do The Father’s will. It is important we rightly understand this so that we have a right understanding of who Jesus is. As we rightly understand Jesus our relationship with Him will continue to grow in greater intimacy and our minds will be renewed by truth. The only way we can rightly know and understand Jesus is by the leading and guidance of The Holy Spirit. May we engage the Holy Spirit daily in conversation and simply desire to know Him in a greater way. The role and function of The Holy Spirit is to lead and point us to Jesus.


Father thank you for your love. Thank you for the truth of your word. Help me to know and understand you in a greater way. Help me to see you for who you truly are. Jesus remove from my heart and mind any false misunderstanding about who you are. Help me to know you and grow in you. Help me to know your more intimately and help me to be the Son or Daughter you have called me to be. Thank you for your love and grace. Thank you for opening my eyes. Thank you for designing me with purpose and destiny. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

[1] Randall Merrill, “Authority,” ed. Douglas Mangum et al., Lexham Theological Wordbook, Lexham Bible Reference Series (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014).

[2] Michael Scott Robertson, “Divine Revelation,” ed. Douglas Mangum et al., Lexham Theological Wordbook, Lexham Bible Reference Series (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014).

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