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Let us approach the throne of grace with boldness: Hebrews 4:16

David Campbell Jr.

Let Us Approach The Throne of Grace With Boldness

Hebrews 4:16 Christian Standard Bible

16 Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.

The word bold in the Greek here means all out-spokenness, i.e. frankness, bluntness, publicity; by implication, assurance:—bold. God calls us to come without fear because of what Christ has done. Because of the precious blood of Jesus, our sin no longer remains. When we come to saving faith in Jesus Christ our sin is washed away. It no longer remains. It is as if we have never sinned.

His righteousness has been applied to us. We are called to approach the throne of grace. His grace is lavished upon us because He has chosen to lavish His grace upon us. The word grace is the Greek word charis and it means graciousness (as gratifying), of manner or act (abstract or concrete; literal, figurative or spiritual; especially the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude):—acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, grace(- ious), joy, liberality, pleasure, thank(-s, -worthy). God’s unmerited favor that is not earned is poured out and made available because of the finished work of Calvary.

Because of Jesus we can approach the throne of grace with confidence and without fear. As we approach, we receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need. We need His grace moment by moment, step by step. Every day we face battles and temptations. Every day we face satanic assaults from the enemy. But the more we rely upon the grace of God, the more victorious we will live and the more we will experience and encounter the freedom that is found in Christ.

Every day the Lord bids us to draw near and spend time in His presence. Prayer should never be seen as an obligation or a chore. It is the greatest honor and privilege we have on this earth to spend time with the Living God in His presence pouring our hearts out to Him, and being positioned to hear His heart shared with us. Prayer is a place of great intimacy and has been made possible by the grace of God and the precious blood of Jesus Christ.


Father thank you for your grace. Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to die for my sins. I thank you that I can approach the throne of grace with boldness and confidence. That I can draw near to you without fear. Father deepen my prayer life on a daily basis. Reveal to me the things you desire me to pray. May my heart desire simply become your will and purpose for my life. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

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