It is in God alone where our strength is found. As we move forward on this earth and continue to move toward the return of Christ, things will become much harder and difficult. Many of our brothers and sisters who live outside the United States face persecution that we can't fully understand yet. But there is a day coming in which there is a level of suffering coming on the American church that we have never known.
The way we prepare for suffering is intimacy with Christ. It is looking to the Lord and His strength. By drawing near to the Lord we will be strengthen for every battle and all opposition that we will face from the enemy. God will always use what Satan mean's to destroy us and will turn it around for our good and to bring honor to the Lord. God's thoughts and His ways are higher and different than our own. We cannot lean and rely on our own strength and wisdom. They will fail us every time.
God calls us to seek His face. This is where intimacy is developed. This is where transformation happens. As we seek the face of the Living God through prayer and the study of His word, we are eternally changed. We need to let go of relying on ourselves. We need to let go of relying on other human beings. There is only one we are to look to for strength and that is Jesus.
Father help me to look to you for strength. Help me to let go of relying on myself and my own efforts. Help me to understand how insufficient I am, and how you have everything I need. I pray that every battle and challenge I face from the enemy will be given to you. Use everything in my life to bring me ever closer to you and to be forever changed. In the name of Jesus, Amen!