Matthew 1:21 (NIV)
She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Jesus has come to save us from our sins. So many times people are paralyzed by their past. Whatever they have done, they can't get beyond. They believe it is beyond the forgiveness of God. But God knew when He created Adam and Eve that they would sin. God knew when He created humanity how far they would fall into wickedness and darkness, yet He still chose to send His Son.
During the Christmas season there are many things that try to become the focus. Some focus on Santa Clause. Some focus on lights and getting together with family. Some focus on seeing if they will receive the gift they have been waiting for. But as followers of Christ the things we focus on is Jesus. He is God's greatest gift. He is the greatest gift because none of us have done anything to warrant a relationship with Him. None of us can do anything that would be good enough to earn His love. He loves us because He chooses to love us by His grace.
During this Christmas season may we take time to fix our hearts upon Jesus. The world around us becomes more chaotic by the day. But truthfully the world only makes sense when you know Jesus. Until we come to know Jesus we may think that life is simply a random group of events and can't understand why things are as crazy as they are. But when we come to know Jesus we see how truly lost and broken humanity is without Him and it isn't until we begin to follow Him and know Him, that true healing and transformation can happen.
Father I come to you today and thank you for your Son Jesus. I thank you for saving my life and forgiving my sins. I thank you in the craziness of this world that you are fully in control and we have nothing to fear. Father lead and guide us today to know you more deeply and to be the sons and daughters you have called us to be. In the name of Jesus, Amen!