My salvation and my glory rest on God; The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.
Everything we have in God is dependent on God. We cannot save ourselves. Our works will not save us. Our goodness will not make us righteous before God. Everything we have in God is a gift because God in His mercy has extended His mighty hand to us and have offered us His Son as the greatest gift that is beyond our understanding.
God looks at the brokenness of humanity and His heart breaks. He has provided a way for us to be saved, but He has given us freewill and we must make a choice to give Him our lives or reject the precious salvation that is found in Jesus Christ.
Our glory rest upon the Lord. He is our provider. He is the one who sustains us and protects us. He is our rock and our refuge. He is the sure foundation of our lives. He has placed us on a broad path and He is the one who has given us hind feet so they will not slip and we will be made strong and invincible in battle.
The key to the Christian life is understand how much we truly need to rely upon God. The longer we walk with Christ we come to understand outside of Him, we are nothing. Without Him there is no hope. Without Him there is no purpose. Everything in this world outside of Jesus Christ is worthless and it is pointless.
But when our lives are built upon Christ and who He is, we come to truly understand life for what it is. Everything makes sense. The current state of the world makes sense. We understand there is a day coming in which Jesus shall return and all that is happening now, is in preparation of all that God has written in His word.
If we desire hope, joy, peace, and comfort in this time of uncertainty and great wickedness, it is only found in Jesus Christ. He has called us to build our lives in Him, to live a life of worship and consecration unto Him, understanding our every breath and moment are simply meant to glorify Him at all times.
When He is our focus and our purpose, He will truly be our strength and our refuge. Many things in this world desire our time and attention. Many of them have no eternal purpose. May we remove from our lives every idol that would hinder our love for Christ and our purpose in Him.
In this life our greatest enemy is ourselves. Yes we face an invisible enemy who is bent on killing, stealing, and destroying. But ultimately the one making decisions that will impact the very course of our lives and future is not the enemy of our souls, it is us.
This is why it is our responsibility to build our lives in Jesus Christ. The more we come to know Him, the more we simply desire Him. The more we come to trust Him, the more our lives are eternal changed and our lives truly become a vessel for His glory.