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The harvest is plentiful

David Campbell Jr.

The Harvest Is Plentiful

Matthew 9:37 NASB2020

Then He *said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

The harvest is plentiful. These words were spoken at first from Jesus to the disciples. As Jesus looked out over the brokenness of humanity and how many were simply lost sheep, without a shepherd, He told His disciples how important prayer was in the raising of workers and laborers.

How much more today are workers and laborers needed. Our world is broken, sinful, and darkness is increasing daily. But for the child of God, we are not called to live in fear, but we are called to see the opportunity before us. We may look at our lives and not think much of ourselves, but when we place our lives in the hands of Almighty God, there is nothing that is impossible with Him.

Wherever we find ourselves is our mission field. We are surrounded daily by people who are lost and going to hell. God has called us not only to plant seeds, but to water those seeds through prayer and intercession. Prayer is vital to see the purposes and plans of God accomplished. There are many things that we can focus our time and attention on, but where we must keep our focus is God, His coming kingdom, and the need to go and make disciples.

Today may we pray. May we simply live according to the word of God and do what Jesus has called us to do. The world needs laborers. The coming of the Lord is very soon. The harvest is ready before us. Throughout every nation there is a mighty harvest. May we pray and fast as the Lord leads. May our hearts and minds be committed to Him and His kingdom. May we not become distracted by the lies and deceptions of this age. May we keep the main thing the main thing.


Father raise up workers. Raise up laborers. In every nation raise up those who will proclaim the gospel. Those who will disciple people in your name and for your kingdom. Father help us in our weakness and our unbelief. Help us not to focus on what the enemy is doing, but to fix our hearts upon your plans and your purposes. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your faithfulness. Forgive us when we fall short. May we live each day for you. Thank you for saving us and setting us free. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

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