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We have all Received grace upon grace: John 1:16

David Campbell Jr.

We Have All Received Grace Upon Grace

John 1:16 Christian Standard Bible

16 Indeed, we have all received grace upon grace from his fullness,

            Our ability to receive grace is simply offered by God. God has made a way for man to be saved by faith alone. As human beings we have nothing to boast about. We don’t deserve the grace of God. We don’t deserve His salvation or forgiveness. There is none righteousness, no not one. Every person born on this earth of the line of Adam has been born into sin. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. What we rightfully deserve is the wrath of God, but in the place of wrath what God offers is His grace because of the depths of His mercy.

            The word grace here is the Greek word charis and it means grace, good will, favor. Conveys the sense of a gift of kindness and favor given to a person or persons[1]. The grace of God is His goodwill and favor upon our lives. It is His mighty hand upon us enabling us to do all He has called and created us to do. Because of His grace, all that God has is available to us. When we truly understand grace, it enables us to put every hardship and trial in its proper perspective.

            Here in this verse, it says grace upon grace from His fullness. It not only says grace once, it says grace upon grace. All because of what Jesus has done and accomplished. On the cross He cried it is finished. The Father’s will was complete. Our debt was paid in full. We were fully ransomed by The Son of God, and we are able to draw near without fear because of the Son of God. His grace is abundantly made available to us because of Jesus. Not because of anything we have done or earned. Nothing we have in Jesus Christ is earned. Everything we have from God is a gift and is received by faith alone.

            The love God has for us is extraordinary. It is beyond our comprehension, and we don’t have words to fully explain the depths of His love for us. He is the one who pursues us. He is the one who calls us, chooses us, anoints us, enables us, and covers us with His grace. We can do all things because of the grace of God. Because of Jesus Christ we receive grace upon grace. There is nothing we will ever face that is greater than the grace of God. May we rely every day more and more upon His grace.


Father help me to understand your grace. Help me to understand your love and compassion for me. If I ever allow doubt or unbelief to fill my heart, please forgive me. Deliver me from every plan of the enemy. Jesus may you be glorified in all that I put my hand to. May I continue to decrease, that you would increase. Holy Spirit fill my life. Overflow every part of my being. Help me to rely on your grace ever more. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!


1.     What new things are God teaching you?

2.    In what ways can you rely on His grace even more?

3.    Are there any areas in your life that you have stumbled in lately that you simply need to rely on His grace more?

[1] Joshua G. Mathews, “Blessing,” ed. Douglas Mangum et al., Lexham Theological Wordbook, Lexham Bible Reference Series (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014).

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