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We May Present Every Person Complete in Christ

David Campbell Jr.

Colossians 1:28 (New American Standard Bible)

We proclaim Him, admonishing every person and teaching every person with all wisdom, so that we may present every person complete in Christ.

The word complete in the Greek means perfect, mature, complete, fully developed. Paul is speaking about the truth of scripture and its effect on an individual when it is preached without compromise. Too many times today the word of God is compromised because people desire to build kingdoms for themselves and the glory of their own names. Too many times they compromise truth and it is pleasing to the ear, but fails to impact the individual for the kingdom of Heaven.

Paul understood the power of God’s word. Paul understood that true wisdom comes from God alone. It is the renewing of our minds that leads to transformation. When we come to Christ, we enter into a lifelong process of being shaped and transformed by the Holy Spirit. As we study the scriptures the word of God begins to crumble and destroy every stronghold of Satan.

Strongholds are systems of thought that act as a fortress around the individual. It is through these strongholds that the individual sees the world around them. But when the word of God is preached and the wisdom of God goes forth, it plants seeds in the heart of the individual. As we pray over those seeds the Holy Spirit begins to move inside that individual impacting them from the inside out. People are changed and transformed by God from the inside. This is why the word of God is so powerful and why the enemy does all that he can to tempt any individual to compromise it.

The word admonish means to advise someone about avoiding wrongdoings. People are sinful and self-centered by nature. I am convinced a major reason why believers fail to live rightly is they have a wrong understanding of God’s word. When we have a wrong understanding of God’s word, it will affect the way we understand God and it will affect the way we live. When a person sits under solid bible teaching they will begin to be transformed because the Holy Spirit will work in the heart of that individual. To build the kingdom of God correctly takes time and patience. But when our focus is simply being faithful to the scriptures, we will see a great and mighty harvest in time.


Father, I pray that you would help me to handle your word correctly. When I am given the opportunity to teach or preach your word, may I be found faithful to hold fast to the truth of scripture. Father remove all desire to compromise your word. Remove all fear from my heart. May my focus and aim simply be the glory of Jesus and faithfulness to your word. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

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