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Do Not Be Anxious About Your Life

Matthew 6:25 ESV

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

All people face worry and anxiety. When we focus on circumstances before us, and there is much uncertainty involved, we will naturally begin to experience anxiety and worry. But this often happens because our eyes are fixed in the wrong place. We are called to fix our eyes upon Jesus. We are called not to worry about tomorrow. When we simply trust God and let go of everything else, we will experience peace in every area of our lives.

Jesus speaks here about those who worry about what they will eat and why type of food they will eat. Both of these are basic human needs. If our basic human needs are not met, we will struggle in every area of our lives. But Jesus is teaching the disciples not to worry. But to simply trust in God to provide and lead them one step at a time.

If our Father in Heaven knows what we need before we even ask and can provide all we need because He is all powerful, it reveals how foolish and silly it is for us to worry. Worry and anxiety is not based upon truth. When we experience fear or anxiety because we believe there is going to be a lack, we have stopped trusting the Living God. The only way we can truly live and experience the peace that Jesus provides is by surrendering control of everything into the hands of God. That means letting go. That means not trying to figure it out.

The bottom line is Jesus is either God or He isn’t. If He is truly God and He is fully in control, there is no room for worry, anxiety, and fear. One of the reasons I believe Christian’s experience fear and anxiety because they have a wrong understanding of who Jesus is. They fail to understand that God is concerned with every area of our lives. There is nothing too big or too small that God is not interest in. He numbers all our hairs and knows all things. We are never hidden from God and no matter where we go, He is always with us. He will provide, He will lead, He will protect, He will see us through because He is God.


Father thank you for loving me and providing for all that I need. Help me to let go of fear, worry, and anxiety. Help me to simply trust you. To let go and allow you to lead, guide, and direct my steps. I pray that I would let go of all control of my life to you and everything would be surrendered to your will and power. Father have your way in my heart and life. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

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