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I Am The Resurrection and The Life

John 11:25 (New Living Translation)

Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.

The fear of death for many is at the top of the list of all fears. Those who do not know Jesus have many unknown when it comes to death. But when we come to know Jesus we no longer fear death because we understand that when this life ends is when life truly begins.

Eternal life begins the moment we come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. The moment we decide to follow Him and make Him Lord and Savior, is the moment that eternal life begins. Jesus said that He came to give life and give it abundantly. Abundant life is knowing Him personally.

He is the resurrection and the life. All of us have areas of our lives that are broken and mired by sin. But when we come to Christ, His life and His power touches every area of our lives. He is simply calling people to surrender and to give all that they are over to Him. When we decide to finally surrender all to Him is when we begin to truly live.

Every day is a new day in Christ. The old has past away, the new has come. Many live in bondage because they live in the past. Jesus wants us to stop living in the past, and to simply live for Him today. We need to give all the shame, discouragement, doubt, unbelief, wickedness, and anything else that would hinder what He wants to do over to Him. In exchange He will give us peace, joy, brand new life, brand new path, a new identity in Him.

Because Jesus is the resurrection and the life we have a brand new life. Everything we have done has been nailed to the cross. Let go of the condemnation of the enemy and embrace the new life you have in Jesus. We will never know the full measure of the impact Christ can make in our lives until we finally come to fully surrender to Him.


Father today I come and thank you for the new life I have in Jesus. Jesus I thank you that you are the resurrection and the life. That old things have passed away and new things have come. I thank you Lord Jesus in you I have a brand new life and a brand new identity. I thank you that every day is new and my every moment is in your hands. I pray that my new life in your would glorify and honor you in all things. I pray this all in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

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