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Journey through 1 John. Dear children, this is the last hour: 1 John 2:18-19

David Campbell Jr.

1 John 2:18-19 New International Version

18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.

       John writes about antichrists. The term anti-Christ here derives from the Greek word antichristos, which refers to a person who places themselves in the position of Christ. Specifically, it implies the usurping of Christ and His authority. These individuals were false teachers who had emerged but no longer adhered to the truth of Scripture. John states that this is the last hour. All of church history following the resurrection of Jesus Christ constitutes the last hour. A day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day with the Lord (2 Peter 3:8). For those of us living in time, it seems that two thousand years of church history is significant. However, when we consider things from God’s perspective, it is not.

            There is an Antichrist who is coming. A man will arise on the earth one day and be seen as the savior of humanity. He will appear to be a man of peace, but what we know from the Book of Revelation is that when he receives a mortal wound and recovers, it is by the power of the devil that he will rise back to life, and in Revelation, he is known as the beast. However, before his arrival, there have been many antichrists throughout church history.

            An antichrist is anyone who opposes God and His purposes. Paul tells us that the devil disguises himself as an angel of light to deceive (2 Cor 11:14). Those who serve the devil and are influenced by him reflect his character and nature. They seek to infiltrate churches and, through false teaching, bring destruction from within. The schemes of the devil operate much like cancer in the human body. Cancer begins small and seemingly insignificant. But over time, if left unchecked, it will grow and start to destroy the body. The same is true of false teachers and false teaching. We must be students of God’s word. The advantage we have today is the canon of scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. During John’s time, the New Testament was being written. May we diligently study the scriptures, asking the Holy Spirit to help us not only understand but also apply what we are learning in God’s word.   

John writes they went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. Those referred to as antichrists are individuals who masquerade as false apostles and teachers of God’s word. What drives a person to become an antichrist? Often, it is the desire for power and influence. Anytime someone labels themselves as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher, They will gain influence over those who are weak in their faith or ignorant of God’s word. We must be discerning individuals. We need to be led, guided, and directed by the Holy Spirit. The devil seeks to kill, steal, and destroy. If we hold a leadership position, we must diligently guard those entrusted to our care. 

For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us . These antichrists were not true servants of the Living God. If they belonged to the body of Christ, they would have been committed to the truth of who Jesus Christ is. They would have been led and guided by the Holy Spirit. But instead, they were influenced and empowered by the devil. They were driven to destroy what God was building in the lives of believers. As an apostle and shepherd, John writes a warning under the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit that not only those in his day should heed, but also those who follow Christ today.   

Our time is filled with false teachers. Due to social media and influence, many are given a platform that they do not deserve. As God’s people, we need to seek the Holy Spirit daily to grow in discernment, praying to understand the difference between what God is saying and what the world is saying. Everything we do must be based on sound doctrine. May we rightly divide the word of God


Father thank you for your love and grace. Thank you for the truth of your word. May your word immerse my heart and mind. May I be a diligent student of your word. Holy Spirit help me to not only understand what I am studying and reading, but help me to rightly apply it to my life. Father have your way. May your will be done. May every purpose and plan you have for me be accomplished. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

Reflection question: Have you ever encountered a false teacher? How did you know? What has the Holy Spirit spoken to you today about today’s passage? What areas is God revealing in your life where growth needs to take place?

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