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As For God, His Way Is Perfect

David Campbell Jr.

As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.

The way of the Lord is perfect. His plans and purposes are perfectly designed for who we are. God has created us with every gift and talent for a reason. Our very personality, the way we physically look are all designed by God and for a specific reason. The problem we often run into is that we feed into the enemy’s scheme of comparison. When we begin to compare our lives against other people we miss out on the beauty and uniqueness of who God has created us to be.

The Lord’s word is flawless. God’s word is unfailing. He is always faithful to His word. His word will never return void. When the word of God goes forth it is faithful to accomplish His purposes and His plans. When He created all things He did it through His spoken word. It is because of His supreme authority that His word cannot be stopped. Just as He created all things by speaking them into existence, He does the same today with His purposes on the earth. Through the mouths of His sons and daughters declaring His word, the Lord is fulfilling every plan and purpose in the nations.

The Lord is our shield and He is our rampart. Those who take refuge in the Lord will be protected. To take refuge in the Lord means to trust in Him, to confide in, to put our hope in Him. It is in Him alone that we rely and we trust. Satan will try as hard as he can to get us to abandon our trust in Almighty God. But we must remember that Satan is a liar and a deceiver. Everytime the enemy whispers a thought into our minds that would doubt the power of God or His faithfulness, we must renew our minds with the truth of His word. Not relying on feelings or our own thoughts. Our own feelings and thoughts will deceive us. But it is upon the word of God alone that we build our lives.

Today you may find yourself in a difficult season in which the enemy is overwhelming your heart with discouragement and doubt. But know that God is in control. God has a purpose for everything you are facing. He has ordered your every step and He has designed your life. Nothing you are facing is by accident and we must remember that He will work all things together for our good (Romans 8:28). With God nothing is wasted and every trial and challenge we face has a divine eternal purpose (James 1:2-8). God desires to develop maturity in our lives but we must trust Him and rely upon Him. We must let go of our own understanding. True freedom and liberty comes when we simply let go and give God full rule and reign in our lives.


Father I come to you today and ask you to help me to trust you. Help me to stand upon the truth and promises of your word. To know in my heart that no matter what I face that you are always faithful. I pray that you would be my rampart and my refuge. Guard my heart against every flaming arrow of the evil one. Strengthen my faith in this hour and help me to press on toward the high call in Christ Jesus. I pray you would give me eyes to see and ears to hear. Help me not to rely upon my five senses, but help me to simply walk by faith. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

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